Tenant-right meetings are springing up in all quarters, and the
move- ment or agitation seems to be fairly sot a-going. In the province of Con- naught, where hitherto the question rather lagged for the want of stimu- lants in the form of lthders, the Boman Catholic clergy have at length put their shoulders to the wheel ; and under their auspices there was a tolerable muster at the town of Westport, the county of Mayo, early in the week. The resolutions, which were of the ordinary nature, were all nearly ad- vocated by the priests, who had a' complete monopoly of the day's ora- torg Another great meeting was held on Thursday, in the South, at Clon- me ; and the Freeman of next morning reports at length the proceedings of another great gathering, also held on Thursday, at Navan, on the banks of the Boyne, which the Repeal organ recognizes as an early step towards She reconciliation of the North and South. The numbers present are set down at 10,000 tenant-farmers, Protestant as well as Roman Catholic. Preparations are in progress for holding a monster demonstration in Bel- fast on the 12th of June. The. "general conference" will take place in Dublin about the same time.—Dublin Correspondent of the Times.