Mr. Laing brought on his motion last night for taking
one seat from every two-seated borough with a population under 10,000, instead of 7,000. • This was the only point directly at issue ; but Mr. Laing intends to propose distributing the 38 seats thus gained among the larger boroughs, by giving a third seat to each of six boroughs of a population over 150,000, a second seat to four large towns of a population over 50,000 which now have only one, and giving twelve new towns a seat each, as the Govern- ment propose. Then he will give a seat to the constituencies of all counties and divisions where the population exceeds 150,000. Sir George Greratill Mi. Gladstone supported Mr. Laing's motion, which was stoutly 'resisted by Mr. Disraeli, but nevertheless carried by the large majority of 127,-306 for, to 179 against. This is a great Liberal victory.