" Successugue acrior ipso " Prcraa petit nutria et pelago decurrit aperto." ! let the good ship reel before the breeze, Borne on the shifting tided of chance and change ; On, to......
"the Real Prrsence."
[To THE EDITOR OF TIIE "SPECTATOR."] San,—You have lately examined with your characteristic dis- . • gladness the doctrine of . the Bishop of Salisbury, and will you now, for......
Pygmalion's Statue. 0 That Story Of The Statue !— Statue,
shaped with art so rare That your sculptor gazing at you Loved, in spite of the despair, Till sweet Art took Nature's breath, Lent you life, and gave you death! While he sighed,......
THE ROYAL ACADEMY.—[SEcoNo NOTICE.] A GREATER mistake can scarcely be made in painting the Scotch Highlands than to make them pretty,—pretty that is in the inferior sense which......