Owing to a further large influx of the precious metals,
and the extensive purchases of money stock, together with the operations of the Government Broker for the reduction of the National Debt. the market for Home Securities has been unusually active this week, and a considerable advance has taken place in the quota- tions. On Monday, Consols for transfer left off at 93f, I; yesterday they closed at 95, ; the quotations for the account being 94 to 944; Reduced and New Three per Cents., 93! ; Bank Stock, 252 to 254; India Stock, 220; ditto, Five per Cents., 1114; ditto, Bonds, 50s. to 55s. prem. ; Exchequer Bills, 20s. to 25s. prem. The Foreign and Railway Share Markets have been very firm, and prices almost generally have been on the advance. On and after the 31st of May, 1868, the interest on India Bonds will be reduced to 4 per cent. The Directors of the Bank of England have lowered their minimum rate for money to 24 per cent. The same decline has taken place in Paris. There has been only a moderate demand for accommodation at 24 per cent, for the best short bills.