ALL the Stock Exchanges of Europe have this week been affected by an outburst of fury in Paris. The Emperor of Germany, it appears, is going to visit Strasburg, and parade the garrison there. According to the Times' correspondent, be asked King Humbert to accompany him, and the King, without reflection, consented ; but on representations from Prince Bismarck and Signor Crispi, the idea was given up. It was even officially denied that the intention had been enter- tained, and King Humbert left Germany by way of Frankfort. The report, however, had reached Paris, and produced a pas- sionate burst of invective in the journals, directed not against the Emptror so much as King Humbert, who was taunted with ingratitude, and accused of wishing to humiliate France. It was loudly declared that France would not endure such a =spectacle as Emperor and King reviewing troops in Strasburg; and it is evident that until the denial arrived, alarm was felt in the most optimist quarters, the offices of the financiers. The incident reveals the bitterness of French feeling towards Italy, as well as the incalculableness of French emotion. The menace to France, if there is one, consists in King Humbert's visit to Germany, not in his appearing in one fortress more than another. The truth is, the French people is just now without a skin, and every fly that settles draws a scream.