1 JUNE 1889, page 1

Considered On The Continent Very Ominous. It Was,...

striking, not very new. The Premier only accentuated the general belief of all competent to judge, that "questions which may bring nations at issue still exist, and that there......

The Permission Granted To Lord Lytton To Absent Himself From

the opening of the French Exhibition was formally brought up for censure on Tuesday by Mr. E. Robertson, Member for Dundee. He asserted that there was a conspiracy of Courts to......

The Strasburg Incident Has Quickened Boulangist Feeling...

on Tuesday M. Laguerre, the active representa- tive of the party, produced a scene in the Chamber. He wanted to know why the Senate delayed its preliminary inquiry BO long. M.......

The Extraordinary Speech Of The Debate Was Mr....

leader of the Opposition began the first part of his speech by justifying his own Government in not answering the French invitation; then exempted Lord Salisbury from censure,......

News Of The Week.

A LL the Stock Exchanges of Europe have this week been affected by an outburst of fury in Paris. The Emperor of Germany, it appears, is going to visit Strasburg, and parade the......

The Chancellor Of The Exchequer Was Entertained By The...

Union Club on Tuesday, and made a remarkable speech. Of the part which concerned the future, and the alternative results which may be anticipated after the General Election, we......

G * * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...
