1 JUNE 1889, Page 1

The permission granted to Lord Lytton to absent himself from

the opening of the French Exhibition was formally brought up for censure on Tuesday by Mr. E. Robertson, Member for Dundee. He asserted that there was a conspiracy of Courts to abstain, in which even the "miserable Monarchy of Belgium" joined, and that the feelings of the people of France were deeply wounded. He would not affirm that Lord Salisbury had acted under the dictation of Prince Bismarck ; but the facts gave colour to such a suspicion. Mr. Robertson was supported by Mr. Labouchere, who accused his opponents of "cringing to every Pretender," and affronting the Govern- ment of France ; and by Mr. Morley, who openly expressed his sympathy with the Revolution, and declared that "the noyades, fusillades, guillotinings, and carnage which took place were entirely due to the interference of despots," —a remarkable utterance, considering that a great number of the victims were women and children who could not have assisted the invaders if they had tried. Sir J. Fergusson gave the official answer, that this country ought not to express approval of the Revolution while that event is a subject of such fierce party controversy in France; and this was repeated by Mr. Goschen, who absolutely denied any in- tention of offering any affront to the Republic. "it is our pride to feel and our anxiety to maintain friendship for the French people." On the division, the motion was rejected by 283 to 190.