The Aspern Papers, and other Stories. By Henry James. 2
vols. (Macmillan.) —These three short stories (they may contain together
about as much as one finds in one liberally furnished volume) are excellent specimens of Mr. Henry James's peculiar manner. He contrives to tell as little as possible without giving the impression that his story is of the most intangible kind. It is only when one has finished, and begins to take stock, that one finds how very slender is the provision of subject-matter. In " The Aspern Papers," for instance, the narrator tells us how, after much diplomacy, he locates himself in a Venetian palace, with the object of possessing himself of certain papers, relating to a deceased poet, which the occupiers of the palace were supposed to have, and how, with much more diplomacy, he failed to get what he wanted. The impression left by "Louisa Pallant " is still more indefinite. We are not sure whether Mr. James has or has not meant to tell us what sort of woman Miss Louisa Pallant was. We do not mind confessing that with us, if he had the negative intention, he has succeeded. This kind of writing is very clever ; but we must own that we prefer something more satisfying.