1 JUNE 1889, Page 3

The police of Chicago appear to be honestly endeavouring to

trace the murderers of Dr. Cronin ; indeed, all Irish officers of the force have been excluded from the inquiry. Daniel Coughlin, a detective, Patrick Sullivan, an inn-keeper, and Frank Woodruff, a carman, have been indicted ; and Woodruff, whose real name is Black, has confessed that he carried away a trunk with the body in it, from a house to which Dr. Cronin had been inveigled by a fictitious summons from a patient, and helped to throw the corpse into the sewer, where it was found. The Chicago Herald declares that Dr. Cronin was suspected of being one of the four spies mentioned by Major Le Caron in his evidence before the Commission, and that he was condemned to death, unheard, by a committee of the Clan-na-Gael. Eleven branches of that Society have, however, held a meeting, and protest that they hold assassination in abhorrence. That is not quite conclusive, even if we entirely believe their state- ment, for 60 do Russian Nihilists ; but then, in certain cases

they consider the slaying of an opponent an "execution." There will, it is telegraphed, be a week's delay in the proceedings, because the present Grand Jury, whose term of office shortly expires, contains too many members of the Clan-na-Gael.