1 JUNE 1929, Page 14


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As Southwark is to London SD is Hoboken, across the -Hudson -River, to New York. Formerly Hoboken, as the main port, for German shipping lines, had a very active and numerous German community. Since the War Hoboken has been practically dead, until a few months ago Mr. .Christopher Morley and some Mends rented an abandoned :theatre and revived there an old Broadway melodrama; After Dark. Their enterprise has, had an amazing -success, resulting in the opening by him of another theatre in Hoboken; which is drawing large crowds nightly, In consequence Hoboken has come to enjoy a 'new life and now a group of capitalists is considering plans for the development of the :riparian real" estate with a view to making Hoboken into

an attractive riverside suburb. IVY LEE:

• New riak, Wednesday; May 29th.