Perhaps Those - Who Presaed This Ridiculous Accusation...
that all the coireaPondence of a Prime Minister is written on paper bearing the seal of his office. Every Cabinet Minister his a similar departmental seal. By writing on paper......
The "baldwin Letter" Together With The Usual Election...
out by the Unionist agents there was sent a photographic facsimile of a letter from Mr. Baldwin. Nailing could have been more restrained and more innocent than Mr. Baldwin's......
Mr. Baldwin's Nerve 'mr. Baldwin Continued The...
his appeal to the end. On the day before the Election, for eicample, the Morning Post published a message from hirici which suinineil'up iill'his teaching. "Buf it is exadtlibe......
A Liberal Manifesto The Only Party Which Sprang An Eleventh
hour surprise deliberately was 'the Liberal Party, and this surprise did not amount to very much, though it was described as a "bombshell." It was a business men's manifesto on......
News Of The Week The General Election B Y The Time
this number of the Spectator is in the hands of most of our readers all the doubts of the General Election will be at rest...2in these circumstances . our advice would be......
Enrroats,n Eitn Publishing Offices: 99 Gower Street,...
costa Thirty Shillings per annum, incittding_postage, to any part f the - world. The SPECTATOR is registered-as a Newspaper. The'Poatage on this issue i8: Inland ld., Foreign'......