31 MAY 1945, Page 12


Sut„—I wonder those who have replied to Mr. Gollancz regarding his view that everyone is responsible for what happens to everyone else. have not drawn attention to the strange difference in his attitude when the victims of a crud tyranny are those of the Left and when they are those of the Right.

If we ought to have interfered forcibly with the ruthless Gestapo before the war, should we have adopted the same attitude to the ruthless Ogpu? On this, it appears, Mr. Gollancz is silent. Has he read a book called " I Speak for the Silent "? I feel sure he didn't publish it.

It is common knowledge that the seizure of power by the Left in Russia was accompanied, and followed, by acts of ruthless tyranny as great as any recorded of the Gestapo. Did Mr. Gollancz write a pamphlet entitled " Aux armes Citoyens," pointing out our duty to interfere? No. The victims were men of the Right, that is to say, those who dared murmur against, the Communist Bluebeards.

Mr. Gollancz might do well to let Buchenwald alone for a moment and glance at that mysterious mass grave in which io,000 Polish officers lie buried, and which the Russians were so anxious not to have investi- gated by representatives of the Red Cross. But, after all, they were only men of the Right, so what matter. Up with the Ogpu and down with the Gestapo, is that it? I seem to have heard of a Communist called Bela Run who did not wear kid gloves. Did Mr. Gollancz advise armed interference with