31 MAY 1945, page 12

I Do Not Know Of Any Section Of The German

Protestant Confessional Church whose pastors have refused to preach, to serve, to ordain and bless the atrocities and horrors committed by the German armies and their leaders."......

Industry's Choice

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Ste,—Although it is far from my wish or intention to enter into an argument about the merits or demerits of State control, there is one point in Mr. Vargas......

Luther And Hitler

SIR,—I gather from the review of Mr. Peter Wiener's book on Luther by the Dean of Saint Paul's that Mr. Wiener maintains that " with the ex- ception of a few refugee pastors in......


Sut„—I wonder those who have replied to Mr. Gollancz regarding his view that everyone is responsible for what happens to everyone else. have not drawn attention to the strange......

Sut,—i Have No Wish Whatever To Be Kind, Or Even

fair, to Luther. But let us be fair to history. Hitler's anti-Semitism does not need Luther ; it can trace its ancestry from the furious Christian anti-Semitism of the Middle......