The British Council in China
SIR,—The note in the Spectator of ,March 16th on the British Council prompts me to support in a humble way your argument as to the great importance of the work being done abroad by the British Council. I can affirm from personal experience and knowledge that–its Centre in Shanghai has been of invaluable service to both the Chinese and British in promoting cultural and friendly relations. The British Council, cf course, works on an entirely non-political basis; its reading-room and library arc used extensively, and its documentary and educational cinema shows, lectures, concerts and exhibitions are well attended and appreciated. The more we British do to-make ourselves understood by the Chinese the better for our mutual relations. The British here desire ever-improving friendship with the people of China, and the British
Council assists us in achieving it.—Yours faithfully, R. V. DENT. 145 Shensi Road, South. 18, Shanghai.