Braunton Burrows
SIR,—MT. Harvey's indignation over Braunton Burrows is admirable, but he produces little evidence to support any claim that it is righteous. He does, however, support Janus's......
Company Funeral?
Sta,-1 have read the Spectator for fifty years and more and am not constitutionally inclined to criticise it, but in view of the delicacy of the situation in Persia I am a......
SIR,—For many years I have read both the Spectator and Punch, but when your once-great paper presumes to know more about military science and strategy than does General......
44• Background To Sweden"
Slat—Will you please allow me to make one or two corrections in the seven lines of verse quoted; by Miss Freda Lingstrom in her review of my Background to Sweden in the......
Slit,—some Years Ago, When I Was Teaching A Class Of
intelligent Solomon Islanders, I read to them the ninth chapter of the Gospel according to St. John. As I read it they suddenly, simultaneously, burst into laughter. And indeed......
Census Eccentricities
SIR,—II is an interesting commentary on our bureaucratic times that, while -a man has been fined in Scotland for failing to fill up his census form and. Sir Ernest Benn has been......
The Lion With A Bandaged Paw
Sta,—I have just seen a copy of the Spectator for March 23rd, and was extraordinarily interested to read Mr. Usborne's explanation of why he had chosen the littewith wa s......
Chaptet Of Entertainment
SIR,—With regard to that strange paragraph inA Spectator's Notebook of May 11th, the " entertainment " value of Proverbs vit is nil, particu- larly when, alas, its striking......
Private Judgement
Sut,—Janus has drawn attention to our alternative spellings of judgement and judgment, with his personal preference for the fol - mer. May I suggest that your readers would find......
A Wells Film-script
SIR,—I think Miss Laski,' in her latest review in your paper, has confused the title of The King who was a King with that of The Man Born to be King, thus producing a truly......