Company Funeral?
Sta,-1 have read the Spectator for fifty years and more and am not constitutionally inclined to criticise it, but in view of the delicacy of the situation in Persia I am a little puzzled at your publication of the arti,,z headed "Company Funeral " in your issue of May 25th. It is doubtl,„ possible to find causes for criticism in the administration of any concern so large as the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company but it is difficult to feel that the general tone of what certainly reads like an article by a dis- gruntled employee can be helpful in what is undoubtedly a very serious emergency. I may add that I have no personal interest in the companl otherwise than as a British subject—Your obedient servant, The Brand, Woodhouse-Eaves. Loughborough. R. E. MARTIN. [The article was amniing and topical and clearly intended not to be taken too seriously ; -it was a mistake to attach political significance t3 Spectator.]