44• Background to Sweden"
Slat—Will you please allow me to make one or two corrections in the seven lines of verse quoted; by Miss Freda Lingstrom in her review of my Background to Sweden in the Spectatisr of May 4th ? In line two "the" has been omitted frorn before " ringrims," the second word in line four (it is again misqtioted in the last sentence of the review) should be " eyewhirlwound," andirl line six " sane " should be " sanely." As your reviewer mentions that she prefers simpler verse than this, I think she will find the poems of mine on pages 276-8, 152-3, 8. 21, 46 and 173-5 more to her liking. I guess, too, that her sense of humour has allowed her to see the semi-humorous intent of probably the most experimental (certainly the most unrestrained) poem in the book.—Yours,