1F f)c Countro.
Sir John Campbell has lost his election for Dudley. The Tories and Radicals, the latter of whom were indignant ut his prosecution of the True Sun, coalesced to support Mr. Thomas Ilawkes, who ob- tained It majority of 0:12 to '2.12. A good deal of rioting took place after the election was over.
Mr. John Barham was on Monday last elected without opposition for the borough of Kendal, in the place of Mr. Brougham.
Sir John Jeffcott has served notice of his intention to surrender for trial at the ensuing Devon Assizes. There will be no prosecution.
'1'lle Brighton chain pier, now restored to all its beauty, is once more become a fievonrite resort of promenaders.
It is intended to build a Roman Catholic cathedral on a grand scale at Prior Park, near Bath. Dr. Baines is at present at Rome; and it is understood that the subject of the proposed cathedral forms part of the object of his visit.
It is said that the late Dr. Williams has bequeathed .710/. to the Physic Garden at Oxford, of which he bad been the keeper for nearly forty years. Dr. Daubeney, the Professor of Chemistry, author of a work on volcanos, succeeds him as l'rofessor of Botany.
At the second annual meeting of the shareholders of the Sheffield Banking Company, a dividend of 10 per cent. was declared for the past year, exclusive e f an addition made to the surplus fund. A piece of plate of the value of 501. was ordered to be presented to each of the Directors, in testimony of the sense entertained by the meeting of their attention to the interests of the Company.—Derbyshire Courier.
The first half-yearly general meeting of the proprietors of the Lon- don and Birmingham Railway, was held in Birmingham on Friday week. The report was read by one of the Secretaries. It stated, that the whole of the line from London to Birmingham has been staked out and levelled, with the exception of a few points; and that the plans and specifications of the works, for the first severity miles from Lon- don, will be completed on the 1st of Match, when the Directors will immediately advertise for tenders for executing such portion of the railway. The second instalment of se/. per share, it was stated, had been promptly paid ; and a balance of 120,006/. is now ut the disposal of the Company.
On Wednesday week, a party of mourning relatives left Sheffield with a corpse, intended for interment at Eckington ; but where, from sonic extraordinary neglect, there being no clergyman in attendance, a female was under the painful necessity of performing the funeral ser- vice. —Doncaster Gazette.