1 MARCH 1834, page 2

Disaffection To The Government Appears To Be Spreading In...

On Sunday last, there was some serious rioting in and about the Place de la Bourse, in consequence of several persons attempting to sell unlicensed newspapers, which it was the......

In Spain, Affairs Are In A Very Unsettled State. The

Ministry is disunited. MARTINEZ DE LA ROSA, and GARELLI, the Minister of Justice, have tendered their resignations ; which were not ac- cepted by the Queen. It is said that the......

Since The Above Was Printed, The Memorial Bordelais Of The

21st February has arrived, with the notice of a Public Meeting of the agriculturists and proprietors of vine lands at Bordeaux, for the purpose of petitioning against the......

News Of The Week.

THE landowners made a scramble on Thursday night to clutch and pocket the 1,200,0001. surplus revenue, with which Lord ALTHORP had promised to relieve the necessities and......

Communications From Influential Individuals In Some Of...

of France, state that if we would open our ports to their corn, the whole country would rise to demand the admission of our manufactures. This affords an opportunity for......

The News From Portugal This Week, As Given In The

correspon- dence of the Daily Journals, is multifarious, but not interesting. The Duke of TERCEIRA, it is said, has again been restored to the command of the troops before......

In The Latest Edition Of Last Week's Spectator It Was

mentioned, that a new treaty had been concluded between Russia and Turkey, upon telly's apparently very favourable to Turkey. Russia was to evacuate part of Wallachia and......