February 37. IS:34.—Faa sets Raley, Esq., V.P., in the Chair. TI as Watethouse, Esq.. and Sir Edw•aul Cost, were admitted Fellows of the Royal Society. George Watt, M.D., of the University of Leyden, and Physician to the Bedford Infirmary, was proposed as a candidate for election. The sequel of a paper, heAtin at the last meeting, was read, giving an account of some opera- tions executed at Cape Firo by the Aims and crew of H. M. S. Algerian., for the purpose of raising a part of the stores, Sm. lost in II. hi. S. Thetis, by the lllll liable Commander F. T. De Roos, R. N. F. it. S. A paper was also read, giving an account of a concave achromatic lens, adapted to the wired mi- crometer, which has been named Macro-miero, from its power to increase the printery image of a teleseor, without increasing the diameter of the wires in she micrometer, by G. Do fond, F. R. S. he.