Au, sorts of difficulties have beset the lessee of the King's Theatre, and delayed the commencement of the Opera season till to-night. And such a commencement it was as the records of this house will not parallel. La Gazza Ladra was the opera,—Madame FERON (the Ninetta) senza voce ; Mrs. ANDERSON (Pippo) senza inemoria; but, worse 'than this, the Podesta (Grualaar) chose to show us that he had both voice and memory, for alas ! alas ! he sung every note both of recita- tive and air—we were not spared a single bar. CURIONI reappeared, after two years' absence ; and with all his faults, we rejoiced to hear him. ZUCHELLI was the Fernando; the only character that was thoroughly well sustained.
The attraction of the night was the Ballet, and especially TAG- LION! ; the Opera being merely an appendage—the name, in short, and not the reality. One consolation is, that every succeeding representa- tion must be better than the first.