The Ministerial interregnum has almost suspended business in the Money Market. A slight improvement was observable when it was probable that the Whig Ministry would retain office, and with the prospect of Protectionist ascendancy as trifling a decline in prices occurred. The closing prices this afternoon are the highest of the week ; Consols for Account and Money being 96# The usual notice was yesterday given by the Bank Directors of their willingness to make advances upon approved securities during the shutting of the books for the dividends due in April ; such advances to bear interest at the rate of 21. per cent per annum—it was expected that the rate would have been 3 per cent. This measure has not produced any change in the value of money ; discount upon first-rate securities being fully 3 per cent, while in the Stock Exchange today, in consequence of the pressure of Money Stock upon the market, from 3 to 4 per cent was readily obtained upon loans for short periods. The premium of Exchequer Bills has revived slightly; and has today reached 50s. In the Foreign Market the same indisposition to business is observable as- hes prevailed in the Government Securities. The only Stocks which have shown any vitality have been Peruvian and Spanish Active ; both of which are at improved prices. The former, in consequence of the activity of the- guano-trade, and the latter in consequence of the receipt of intelligence- of a favourable character from Madrid. Mr. James Capel, the Chairman of the London Committee of Bondholders received a letter from M. lifeisweil- ler, at Madrid, stating the probability of the Minister conceding more favour- able terms for the conversion of the over-due Coupons of the Active Debt. Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, and the other Northern European Stocks, are heavy. The English Railway Share Market has been heavy, sad a tendency to decline was observable, particularly during the pressure occasioned by the settlement of the Account today. In the course of the afternoon, however, markets became firmer, and .prices closed rather higher. Some very high. rates of interest were today given to carry over Shares till the Account ; the most remarkable "continuation" being that upon London and North- western, upon which 30s. per share was given, being an interest upon the capital employed at the rate of 30 per cent per annum. The French Shares- are all lower, and there seems little disposition for speculation in them. There is a considerable amount of Shares, especially those of the Northern of France, pressing upon the market. The exchange upon Paris is rather higher this afternoon.
The English Funds close at the prices of the morning. The business transacted has been quite unimportant; but the market may be considered firm at the present quotations. Foreign Funds are generally firmer, the few transactions in them being at higher prices ; as may be seen by the fol- SATURDAY TWELVE o'cLocx.
The English Funds are steady at the closing prices of yesterday, with but little business ; the prices of Consols being 96' I for Money and 961 for Account. There is no change of importance in the Foreign Market ; where Spanish Active Five per Cents, Peruvian, and Mexican, are nominally quoted higher. The Railway Shares are higher, the improvement noticed yesterday afternoon continuing. The following are the principal transactions—Cale- donian, 12f ; East Lancashire, 14-t ; Great Northern, lsg ; Great Western, 91f 91; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 57k; Ditto Fifths, 4f ; London and North-western, 131f ; South-western, 89 88f ; Midland, 62fl 21; North Staffordshire, 101. owing list of actual bargains—Chilian Six per Cents 104; Danish Three pern Cents, 784; Ditto Five per Cents, 1001 ex div. ; Mexican, 33,1 44; Peruvia ; Active, 83 824; Ditto Deferred, 374; Portuguese Four per Cents, 34 334 Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 97 1 4; Spanish Active Five per Cents, 191; Dutch Two-and-a-half, 581. The Railway Share Market has improved ; and the business of the morn- in; has been of a general character, many Shares being quoted that are not usually di alt in. The following are the principal bargains recorded—Aber- (ken, 13/ 144; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 31 • Caledonian, 124 12; Ditto New 10/. Preference, 51, ; Chester and Holyhead Preference, 164; Eastern Counties, 61 4; Ditto o per Cent Preference No. 2, Par ; Ditto New Preference 6 per Cent, 104; Ditto Northern and Eastern, 55 44 ex div. ; Great Northern, 181 1 4; Great Southern and Western (Ireland,) 42; Great Western, 914 1 4 ; Hull and Selby Half-shares, 504; Lancashire and York- shire, 574 8; London and Blackwell, 71 1 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 981 4; Ditto New Guaranteed 6 per Cent, 1314 1 1 ; London and Greenwich, 114; London and North-western, 1314 1 1 ; Ditto New Quar- ter-shares, 221 4; Ditto Fifths, 174; London and South-western, 894 884 894; Midland, 62/ 14 21 34; Ditto 501. Shares, 201 44; Newcastle and Carlisle Quarter-shares, 6 4; Norfolk, 23; North British, 9,1 1; Ditto Pre- ference, 54; North Staffordshire, 104; Scottish Central, 18; South-eastern and Dover, 264 1 1 ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 211 1 4 ; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 744; York and North Midland, 2444.
3 per Cent Consols 964 4 Danish 3 per Cents 77 9 Ditto for Account 064 Dutch 21 per Cents 58 9 3 per Cent Reduced 97 1 Ditto 4 per Cents 91 9 31 per Cents 981 9 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 .. 33 4f Long Annuities 7 11-16 i Penivian 6 per Cents 82 31 Bank Stock -- Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 33 4 Exchequer Bills 46 50 pm. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 87 9 India Stock 265 Russian 5 per Cents 110 12 ex d.
Brazilian 5 per Cents 92 4 Ditto 41 per Cents 97
Belgian 41 per Cents
Chilian 6 p Cents 91 3 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents. 191 201 per
105 7 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 37 81 Danish 5 per Cents 100 101 ex d. Venezuela 30 2