Alderman Sir John Pine Died, At His Residence, Yesterday...
Sir John was a native of Berwick-on-Tweed. He was made a Baronet by virtue of the accident of his entrance into office on the day when the Prince of "Wales was born. There are......
The Dublin Freeman's Journal Of Yesterday Publishes The...
the Irish Roman Catholic Prelates "to their beloved flocks," on the penal enactments with which the Catholics of England and Ireland are threat- ened. It is addressed to their......
SATITRDAY. The Ministerial explanations occupied both Houses last night. In the House of Lords, the Marquis of LA.NSDOWNE made a brief statement, the most important point of......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The Ministerial interregnum has almost suspended business in the Money Market. A slight improvement was observable when it was probable that......