Into All the World. By John Scarth. (Griffith, Ferran, and
Co.)—In this little volume, Mr. Scarth gives some interesting and, we may say, encouraging details of missionary work,— missionary work, that is, of the kind which is done among our sailors at home and abroad. The author has done much good service in this direction, and we recommend his book to our readers.—A kindred topic is treated in The Diocese of Mackenzie River, by the Right Rev. W. C. Bompas, D.D., Bishop (S.P.C.B.) This is one of the series of "Colonial Church Histories," and records some excellent work done in North-West Canada. The "Mackenzie River" Diocese, it may be explained, touches the Eastern border of Alaska on the West, while its own South-Eastern border comes down as far as the territory of Athabasca. It covers the region between 100 deg. and 140 deg. longitude W., and 60 deg. and 50 deg. latitude N.