1 MARCH 1890, page 15

Letters To The Editor.

HOME-RULE IN IRELAND. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] EIR,—A conversation I had lately with a gentleman who is a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, a Home-ruler and member......


A COMMENTARY IN AN EASY-CHAIR : IT is not a very unusual thing in domestic life to find a discontented Spirit, to whom grumbling is the natural form of expression, greatly......

The National Society And The Pupil. Teachersystem.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' STR,—I learn with great regret that the National Society, in its advice to the Government about the forthcoming Code, has included the......

English Versus American Workmen.

[To DIE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In an excellent article on "The Ideas of the German Emperor," there is one statement, which you give on the authority of Lord Brassey,......