Letters from Wales. By "A Special Correspondent." (W. H. Allen
and Co.)—We have here seventeen letters, originally pub- lished in the Times newspaper during the years 1887-88. Each of the twelve counties (excepting Radnorshire) is treated in a separate letter, Denbighshire, Glamorgan, and Anglesey having two allotted to them. Anglesey, it will be remembered, is one of the chief seats of the anti-tithe agitation. Mr. Prothero's letters to the Guardian on this subject should be studied along with this volume ; nor must the other side of the question—for there is another side—be forgotten. The Letters from Wales treat other subjects besides the "Church and the Land," notably that of "Welsh Nationality." Generally they may be commended to the attention of readers as embodying the observations and conclu- sions of a painstaking inquirer.