[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—In his long letter in the Spectator of February 22nd Mr. Horsfall compares statistics of mime in England and Germany. and puts down : in England for wounding, per million, 27; in Germany for wounding, per million, 1,265. One reply to this is that the German police are sharper in catching criminals, the other that he compares what is not comparable. They most likely put down in Germany under "wounding" every trumpery police case, while in England the more serious cases only are reported. So different the two nations are certainly not in their "home life," as Mr. Horsfall gracefully puts it. If the percentage were double or triple one could understand his figures, but 27 to 1,265 shows prima vista that something must be wrong. As to the caricatures, perhaps Mr. Horsfdl will kindly look those up representing the late Emperor William in a praying attitude, with a reprint of one of the telegrams sent from the seat of war in 1870, which were in the London shop windows during 1871; but Bauer, das 1st ettcas anders !—I am, Sir, &c.,
O. S.