1 MARCH 1902, page 15

A Personal Explanation.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIE,—I apologise for calling Mr. Crawley-Boevey's pamphlet anonymous (Spectator, February 22nd). It was -an inad- vertence due to the fact......

[to The Edtiois Of Tez "spectator.")

STE,—Referring to the article in the Spectator of Feb- ruary 22nd on "Class Distinctions amongst the Poor," the vicar of a large East End parish told me that when he took bis......

Class Distinctions.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIE,—A propos of your article on "Class Distinctions amongst the Poor" (Spectator, February 22nd), I am tempted to send you the following......


[TO THE EDITOR OIF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Writing under this heading in the Spectator of February 22nd, Sir Herbert Maxwell states that Hedley's ‘Puffmg Billy' of 1813 was the......

Edmund Burke On The Week-end Recess. [to Tan Editor Op

THE "SPEOFATOR."] Sin,—The Spectator of February 22nd contains some judicious remarks on the opposition offered by Sir . H. Campbell- Bannerman and others to proposed......

The Book Of The Rifle.

[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In the review of the above book which appears in the Spectator of February 22nd a wish is expressed that "Mr. Conan Doyle or some......

[to The Editor Of Tee "spectator:]

Sin,—May I add to your deeply interesting article on "Anticipations" the following words from the Prophet Nahum,—ii. 3, 4?—" The valiant men are in scarlet." And : "The chariots......

Shakespeare And Victor Hugo.

[TO TEE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR."] SIB,—Victor Hugo had great imagination. But he was an avowed student of Shakespeare. Hence my comment. The following two lines of his play of......