China War, 1860. By Major-General G. Allgood, C.B. (Long- mans
and Co. 12s. 6d.)—In January, 1860, Lieutenant Allgood (as he then was) had offered to him by Lord Clyde the post of D.A.Q.G. in one of the divisions of the force then being prepared for service in China. He now publishes, exactly as they were written at the time, the letters sent home and to friends in England, from India before the expedition sailed, from Hong-kong, which was reached on April 13th (the expedition sailed on March 25th), and from various places in China where fighting took place. Letter XXV. announces the signing of the Treaty of Peace, and has some notices of the burning and looting of the Summer Palace. Lieutenant Allgood was lucky enough to buy at an auction the Emperor's State Seal. A report is added on the experiences of the expeditionary force. The maps and plans, which are numerous and instructive, have been redrawn from sketches made at the time. We need not say more than that Major-General Allgood has done a service of no small value to the historian by publishing this book.