1 MARCH 1902, Page 24

One of the "Handbooks for the Clergy" (Longmans and Co.,

2s. 6d. net) is Patristic Study, by H. B. Swete, D.D. Professor Swete, after an introduction, gives brief accounts of the Christian writers from the sub-apostolic times down to the end of the second century. A third chapter is given to writers of the third century. The Post-Nicene Fathers are divided into "Greek" and "Latin." In both divisions the limit is the end of the fifth century of our era, though John of Damascus and Photius in the East., and Gregory the Great and Bede in the West, are separately mentioned. These accounts are followed by general chapters on Patristic study, with a suggested course, in which the more important writers are distinguished by a mark calling attention to their pre-eminence. Various sub-divisions are thus given, such as "Text," "Biblical Interpretation," "Church History." A most useful bibliography is added. It must be con- fessed that the ideal thus displayed looks somewhat unattainable. The writer of this notice is reminded as he reads of the almost portentous lists of books which a certsin Regius Professor of Divinity in the "fifties" used to enumerate to his hearers,—but it is always well to aim high.