1 MARCH 1902, Page 3

Speaking generally, they recommend the improving of the conditions in

the existing camps, and the breaking of them up into smaller units rather than their wholesale removaL The Committee further endorse the pass-system, on the grounds of health and morals as well as politics, as absolutely necessary ; and declare that they never received any complaints against the soldiers. Only in a few cases has the removal of a superintendent been recommended, and never on the score of undue harshness. In the great majority of cases the superintendents have shown marked practical ability and devotion to duty as well as kindness. The camp- schools are noted as the most cheerful and hopeful features of the system, and finally a long list is given of practical results, in the direction of improved dietary, inspection, nursing, and organisation, which have been achieved by the Com- mission. We are glad, but not in the least surprised, to note that the Report acknowledges in the fullest way the assist- ance and ' sympathy received from the local authorities and Lord Milner, who showed himself "not a partisan, but a statesman desirous to hear the truth, whether pleasant or unpleasant, in order that he might more effectually grapple with the difficulties of the situation."