1 MARCH 1930, Page 1

The Covenant, as- it, stands, • admits—in Articles 12,o w

13, and 15—the possibility of resort -tar in certain . circumstances. These' circumstances are when three months have elapsed after the the of a judicial decision.- or report by the ComiCil, (ii.)' in the event of one party to a dispute refusing to comply with the recommendations of the tribunal or of the Council, and (iii.) when the Council itself unable to obtain the unanimity necessary- for its report. At the last meeting of the Council in January, Mr. Henderson made it quite clear that the British purpose was to eliminate from the Covenant the right of war, since that right had been solemnly renounced in the Paris Pact by the members of the League and also by the United States ; to supplement the rights, the obligations, and the machinery of the League, and to " strengthen them where necessary, and never to weaken them." M. Briand followed him in the same strain, insisting that the Committee must have wide terms of reference, as their task would involve an examination of fundamentals such as those questions which had already been carefully considered in the Committee on Arbitration and Security. And, he said, this would be all to the good.