1 MARCH 1930, page 20
German East Africa As British Mandated Territory
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—On February Ilth, Dr. Schnee, member of the Reichstag and ex-Governor of German East Africa, delivered a lecture - to the Society of......
The Church Of England And Reunion [to The Editor Of
the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Mr. Pollard's letter iri your issue of February 15th . on " Reunion " is a curious mixture of unproved dogmatic asser- tion and serious historical blunder.......
[to The Editor Of The Spect_ator.i. • A Letter Which
appeared in your issue of February 15th , from the Anglican Chaplain at Istanbul,-he gives an interesting . account of. his relations with.the Orthodox Church and its......