The bankruptcy of the city's finances is not deterring Chiciigo from going ahead with preparations for its World's Fair, although New York, influenced by the failure of expositions in other cities, has decided to postpone indefinitely similar plans. The organizers of the Chicago World's Fair announce that they will seek no appropriations from any legislative authority, city, county, State or Federal, because to do so means opening the door to politics and politics are to have no place at the World's Fair. The immense wealth of private citizens of Chicago is in striking contrast to the present condition of the city treasury and there is not likely to be any shortage of funds for the World's Fair. Indeed, the project has now become one of much more than ordinary significance for the citizens of Chicago. In it they see a means for giving the world visible proof that the unenviable reputation earned for the city by local politicians and gangsters does it a grave injustice by giving a highly coloured picture which- completely omits the normal and splendid achieve. ments of which Chicago is proud.
New York, Wednesday, February 26th. Ivy LEE.