Vigorous protestS continue to be made here at the reported religious persecutions in Russia. An influential committee has petitioned-the President to make it clear that the establish- ment of religious liberty' in Russia would in any event be an absolute condition preceding any consideration of official recognition of Russia by the United States. While such an extreme attempt to interfere in the domestic policies of another country is not supported by practical statesmen, undoubtedly the feeling aroused by reported persecutions will make a return to normal diplomatic relations more difficult. Meanwhile, business between America and Russia continues to grow, and commercial intercourse has not been seriously disturbed by the reports. Senator Borah, the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, has intervened to obtain a direct statement from the Soviet authorities in respect of the reported arrest and condemnation of Jewish leaders. Thus, while the highest authority on foreign affairs in the Senate and leading American business men are unofficially, but no less practically, recognizing Russia, the American Government maintains its refusal to do so. In this the Government has overwhelming public support. At the same time it is clear that the American people would protest just as vigorously against armed intervention in Russia as it does now against certain Soviet policies. Further- more, no one here is prepared to believe that armed inter- vention is seriously contemplated in any responsible Governmental circles anywhere.