Moreover, as Dr. Delisle Burns pointed out, the experi- ence
of the last ten years has proved to what extent Governments can act together with advantage to their citizens, and to what extent already attempts to co- operate, under the pressure of public opinion, have already bred mutual confidence. Mr. Conwell-Evans, whose book The League Council in Action we described in our issue of February 15th, was able to show, in Wednesday's Times, how the League machinery has worked in practice on the basis of Article 11 (mediation) and not on Article 16. Prevention, in fact, has been better than theoretical and dangerous cure. This contention is supported by the Report of the Security and Arbitration Committee of the Ninth Assembly. To the Anglo-Saxon mind what has happened so far is of supreme importance. An ounce of practice is worth a ton of theory. The question is whether this dynamic conception of the " organization of peace " or the rigid intellectualist view is to prevail.