1 MARCH 1930, Page 20


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—On February Ilth, Dr. Schnee, member of the Reichstag and ex-Governor of German East Africa, delivered a lecture- to the Society of Foreign Affairs of the University of Berlin on German East Africa as British mandated territory.

He stated that a gradual improvement in economic affairs had taken place after the severe setback of the first mandate years, and that the expulsion of the Germans and the con- fiscation of their private property had played an important part in this setback. The present trade of (German) East Africa is about one and two third times as great as in the last few years before the War, whilst during the last ten, years under German rule trade had increased fivefold. Since the repeal, in June, 1925, of the law forbidding the immigra- tion of Germans a considerable number Nave returned and- the white population is now roughly what it was before the War.

Dr. Schnee went on -to say that the state of the country as regards the prevalence of epidemics compared extremely unfavourably with its state under German rule in particular. Sleeping " sickness, which the Germans had combated with the greatest success, had, become far more widespread under the mandatory administration. It was in the interest of the natives, who in many districts were in serious danger of being exterminated, that effective measures towards the combating of sleeping sickness and other epidemice should- be taken, and that pressure should be brought to bear upon the Council of the League of Nations, whose duty it was- to look after the administration of the mandate, to see that the services of experienced German doctors and bacteriologists should be enlisted in order to make up for the deficiency in- British medical personnel.

The lecturer went on to discuss the British efforts to bring= about a union between the mandated territory and the adjoining British colonies. He characterized- the proposals' of the Hilton Young Report, as well as those of the Wilson Report, as being in direct opposition to the mandate system. He said that the- German Government had repeatedly declared in the Reichstag that it would most vigorously oppose any alteration in the mandate system.

One of the last actions of the late Dr. Stresemann had been to protest before the Assembly of the Council of the League of Nations in Geneva in September, 1929, against a union- of East African mandated territory with the neigh.' bouring British colonies. Mr. Henderson had replied that- the British Government would- communicate any plans of this kind to the Mandate Commission and would wait for an expression as to its attitude before definitely carrying out any Euch measures.

Dr. Schnee added that in face of the news at present being received from East Africa that the Governors concerned had reached an agreement on the question of unification of the fiscal system, the German Government must be made to take, decisive steps to prevent measures which were so contra- dictory to the mandate system.

In conclusion, the lecturer stressed the point that Germany must, for economic and other reasons, take an active part in the mandate system, and that she should therefore acquire colonial mandates.—I am, Sir, &c., .


1We publish this letter so that our readers may learn what

one of the chief protagonists of a colonial expansion policy in Germany is saying. No doubt it will bring forth some rejoinders. German public opinion is by no means unanimous as to the desirability of Germany seeking to re-embark on colonial enterprises.—En. Spectator.]