British Shipping Mr. 3. H. Thomas at the annual dinner
of the Chamber of Shipping summarized the positiOn of the industry by saying that as compared with the days before -the War, freights had declined by. sixteen per cent. and work- ing .expenies had increased by seventy per cent. Unfor; tunately the shipping coinpanies by themselves can do little to remedy this situation. They are carriers, and until British export trade increases they will not have enough to carry. Meanwhile, both they and the Lord Privy Seal appear to be doing what they can. It is reported that the Cunard Company intends to build a very large fast liner to take up the challenge of the Bremen,' and it is possible that work on the White Star ' Oceanic ' will be resumed. The complaints of the Ports Facilities Committee about the inefficiency of some British ports, which lag behind their rivals on the Continent, are in process of being met by Mr. Thomas's unemployment schemes. The protests of American shipowners against the British invasion of the Cuban passenger trade are also evidence of the enterprise of British shipping lines, which is a refreshing contrast to the drift of some other industries.