Pacing Trade Realities The untiring Mr. F. W. Goodenough continues
to tell those home truths about British salesmanship which have long been glossed over or evaded. On Friday, February 21st, he spoke at the Oxford Luncheon Club, _which usefully keeps Oxford in touch with the outer world, and boldly put the case for modern languages as a humane' study. He explained what education for commerce really means, observing that shorthand, accountancy, office methods, &c., are no more " commerce " than scoring in the pavilion, or rolling the pitch, is cricket. He insisted, as we have often insisted, that British marketing is far from perfect in many respects and needs overhauling without delay. The poor showing of the British motor trade in the Dominions, or in such a pro-British country as Argentina, was a fair example to take. No tariffs or quack political remedy can avail, when what is wanted is adaptation to changed conditions, and still more to the habits and tastes of foreign peoples. In an address to the Royal Empire Society on Tuesday, Mr. Goodenough made a pointed reference to Great Britain's loss of respect in the overseas British communi- ties, due to the many evidences of slackness, conservatism, and lack of efficiency.