• Miss F. L. Turner is becoming known as a
trustworthy observer of bird,life and a writer on nature refreshingly simple and unaffected. She must be tired of being referred to as the one-time loneliest woman in England," but it will no doubt be by this press-bestowed title of some years ago that her name will be familiar to most people. As a result of her bird-watching experience of that time she wrote an excellent book on the shore birds of the Norfolk coast. Now, in Stray Leaves from Nature's Notebook (Country Life, 10s. 6d.) she gives us a further instalment of her pleasant jottings on country things. Perhaps her chief charm is that she is so unliterary. She has nothing very startling to say, but she can make us live in the country of which she writes, an English heath, a forest, or the Dutch sandhills with their May foam of cream-coloured roses, as few nature-essayists are able to do. Her photographic studies are made with intelligence, which is also unusual in bocks of this type.
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