1 MARCH 1930, Page 49

General Knowledge Questions

oun weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Mr. E. W. Brittain, 93 Woodroyd Road, West Bowling, Bradford, for the following

Questions on Gas

1. What is " mustard gas " ?

-2. Who introdueed the term " gas " ?

3. Which: gas is the lightest known ? 4. What gas is sometimes used in place of this for filling balloons, arid why ? •

5. What is meant by "-atmolysis " of a mixtur, of gases ? _ 6. What gas is prepared by " Brin's process " ?

7. Hoilis this gas usually prepared at present ? 8. Does sound travel at the same rate through all gases ? 9. Is the presence of gas necessary for the propagation of light .

10. What gas was originally 14iiiiien as azote add where is it stilt called by this name ? 11. What gas forms a large percentage of the earth's crust -12. How are the gaseous-constituents-of celeiitialThoilles deter-

mjned ?

13. What percentage of the constituents of coal gas are illu-

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minants ? ' `" - Answers will -be found on page 350.
