ACROSS 1 This captain provides his own ink for his notes (6). 4 Is this where the oarsmen get washed up? (8) 10 A land-speed record or a vessel (7): 11 The lawyer's clerk retires like 'a warning (7).
12 A case in court about the heating apparatus'? (6, 4) • 13 '- elapsed ere Homer's lamp appeared' (Cowper) (4).
15 This plant will make a rat grow (7), 17 Illustrated -without the broken tart (3-4).
19 'Adam and his Wife smile at the claims of long
' (Tennyson) (7).
21 Such articles as one can get from dealers (7).
23 Versifier.having no use, it seems, for the fourth letter (4).
24 Coat fits an Italian figure of fun (10).
27 Of the earth earthy (7).
28 One would expect 21 to do so (7),.
29 A bit of soap round the steeple (8).
3U It seems to be rash to shoot among the pigs (6). The peal urges One, it seems. to go latish (9).
2 Cues need it, seats get it, waiters expect it (7), 3 Protection for the chair is danger for the book (5, 5).
5 To be festive, study nearly 'everything about a. double six (9).
6 The part becomes traditional (4).
7 Flagging men of military rank (7).
8 Kipling wrote of those between (5).
9 Low fish (4).
14 Such a sort of gamble as is beyond reproach? (5, 5) 16 Head-on collision'? (4-1-4)
18 The ship that was used for this purpose (9).
20 'To look at things in bloom fifty are little room!-(Housman) (7). •
22 The low-down in process of departure is pressing (7).
23 Politician evidently didn't ,muss the bus.--was he rowing?,(5) 25 Top7spin lacks point though,lirst-class (4).
26 Transport thanks to the team (4).
Too:prises will be awarded: a cop>, of the Detuge edition or Charlaberi's Twentieth Century Dictionary altd,a book token for 0110 guinea. They will beawardsol to the senders of the first, two.correct solutions . opened atter neon on March 12 and addressed: Crossword No, 920, 99 Cower St., London, WCI.
. Chambers's Twera.ioh century. Dictionary,- A'eyij Verylon, is recommended ji,r Cro.ssworib. .
Solution on March 15 Solution to No. 927 on page 296
The winners oh' Crossword No. 927 are: Ma. 11. E..Durt x; 47 The
Gardens, London, S.E. 22, and Man. G. W. Sort ipitp. Chtircp Wood
tl n4-, . 1.1,01 '01 ,'14 it -,Avenue, Far Headingley. Leeds, 16.