1 MARCH 1957, page 23
The Inspired Nose
Gogol. By aivid Magarshack. (Faber, 36s.) G000L belongs to the miraculous first generation of modern Russian writers that included Pushkin, Lermontov and Aksakov; those whose......
Blunt Soldier
Violent Truce: A Military Observer looks at the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1951-1955. By Com- mander E. H. Hutchison, USNR. (Calder, . 16s.) r is a pity that Commander Hutchison has......
From Wittenberg To Trent
A History of the Council of Trent. By Hubert Jedin. Translated from the German by Dom Ernest Graf, OSB. Volume 1. (Nelson, 70s.) A WARM welcome will be given by all students of......