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Adderley, Chas. B. Colville, Chas. Robt. Herbert, H. A. Plowden, Wm. E.G. Anson, Visct. Conolly, Thomas Herbert, Rt. Hon. S. Portal, Melville Arbuthnott, Lt.-Gen.Copeland, Aid. W. II erries, Rt. Hon. J. Powlett, Lord W. J. Archdall, Capt. M. Corry, Rt. Hon. H. Hervey, Lord A. Prime, Richard Arkwright, George Cotton, Hon. W. Hildyard, Bob. C. Pugh, David Bart, Hon. W. Cowper, Hon. W. F. Ilildyard, T. B. T. Pusey, Philip Bailey, C. Cubitt, William Hill, Lord Edwin Reid, Gen. G. A. Bailey, Joseph Currie, Henry Hodgson, Wm. N. Renton, G. W. J. Baillie, H. James Davies, D. Arthur Hogg, SirJas. W. Richards, Richard Baird, James Decries, William Hope, Sir J. Rushout, Capt. G. Baldock, E. H. Denison, Edmund Hope, Henry Thos. Sandars, George Baldwin, Chas. B. Denison, John E. Hallam, Lord Sandals, Joseph

Bankes, George Hick, Quintin Hudson, George Scott, Hon. F. Baring, Major H. B. Disraeli, Benjamin Inglis, Sir It. Harry Sumer, H. Her

Baring, Sir F. T. Bt. Dod, J. Whitehall Jennyn, Earl Seymour, Lord Baring, Thomas Douro, Marquis of Jocelyn, Viscount Shelburne, Earl of Barrington, Visct, Drax, J. S. W. S. E. Johnstone, James Sibthorp, Col. Barrow, W. H. Drumlanri , Visct. Joliffe, Sir W. G. H. Sidney, Aid. Thos, Beckett, William Drummon ,Henry Jones, Capt. T. Blaney, Rob. A.

Bell, Matthew Duckworth, Sir .1. B. Kelly, Sir F. Somerton, Visct.

Benbow, John Duncombe, Hon. A. Knight, F. Winn Sotheron, T. H. S. Bennet, Capt. P. Duncombe, Hon. 0. Knightley, Sir C. Bt.Spooner, Richard Bentinck, Lord H. Duncombe, Hon. W. Knox, Lt.-Col. B. Stafford, Augustus Beresford, Maj. W. Dunne, Lt.-Col. F. Knox, Hon. W. 8. Stanford, J. F. Bernard, Vfsct. Du Pre, Caledon G. Lacy, Henry Charles Staunton, Sir G. T.

Best, J. East, Sir J. B. Bt. Langton, W. H. P. G.Stephenson, Robert Blackstone, Wm. S. Edwards, Henry Lascelles, Hon. E. Stuart, Henry Blandford, Marq. of Egerton, Sir P. Bt. Legh, G. Cornwall Stuart, John Bolden), Capt. H. Egerton, W. Tattoo Lemon, Sir C. Bt. Shirt, Henry 0. Booker, T. W. Emlyn, Viscount Lenuard, Thos. B. Sutton, J. H. M. Booth, Sir R. Gore Estcourt, Lt.-Col. J.Lennox, Ld. Alex. G. Talbot, C. R. M.

Bowles, Rear-Ad. Euston, Earl of Leslie, Charles P. Taylor, Lieut.-Col. Bramston, T. W. Evelyn, W. J. Lewisham, Viscount Tenison, Edw. K. Bremridge, Rich. Farnham, Edw. B. Lindsay, Lt.-Col. .1. Tennent, Sir E. Bridges, Sir B. W. Fairer, James Littleton, Hon. E. Thesiger, Sir F. Brisco, Musprave Fellowes, Edward Lockhart. William Thompson, Aid. W. Broadwood, Henry Ferguson, Sir Rt. B. Long, Walter Tollemache, Hon. F. Brocklehurst, John Muer, Sir E. Bart. Lopes, Sir Ralph, Bt.Tollemache, John Brooke, Lord Floyer, John Lowther, Hon. H. Towneley, John Brooke, Sir Ar. Bait. Forbes, William Lowther, Henry Townley, R. Greaves Bruce, Lord Ernest Forester, Hon. G. C. Lygon, Hon. Gen. Trollope, Sir J. Bt. Bruce, C. Cumming Fortescue, Chich. hfaenaghten, Sir E. Tuffnell, Rt. Hon. H. Buck, Lewis Wm. Fox, II. Maxwell Mahon, Viscount Tyler, Sir G. Bulkele , Sir R. B. Fox, Sackville W. Manners, Lord C. S. Tyrell, Sir J. T. Bt. Buller, Sir J. Y. Bt. Freestun, Col. W. Manners, Lord Geo. Verner, Sir W. Bt. Banbury, Capt. W. Freshfield, J. W. Manners, Lord John Verney, Sir H. Bt, Burghley, Lord Frewen, C. H. March, Earl of Vesey, Hon. T. Burrell, Sir C. H. Fuller, Augustus E. Martin, C. W. Villiers, Viscount Burroughes, II. N. Gallwey, Sir W. P. Masterman, John Villiers, Hon. F. W. Butler, Pierce S. Galway, Viscount Harmsen, Col. T. P. Vivian, John Henry Buxton, Sir E. Bt. Gaskell, James M. Maxwell, Ho. J. P. Vyse, Hon. Capt. Cabbell, B. Bond Gilpin, R. T. Mena, Sir H. Bart. Waddington, David Campbell, lion. W. Gladstone, W. E. Miles, Philip W. S. Waddington, II. S. Campbell, Sir A. J. Goddard, Ambrose Miles, William Wall, Chas. Baring Cardwell, Edward Gooch, Sir Edwd. S. Milnes, R. MoncktonWalpole, Spencer H.

Carew, W. II. Pole Gore, W. 0. Moody, Chas. Aaron Walsh, Sir J. B. Bt. Carter, J. Bonham Gore, W. It, Ormsby Morgan, Octavius Wegg-Prosser, F. It. Castlereagh, Visct. Goulburn,Rt.Hn.II . Mailings, J. R. Welby, Glynne Earl Cayley, E. S. Granby, Marquis of Naas, Lord Wellesley, Lord C. Chandos, Marq. of Greenall, Gilbert Napier, Joseph West, Fred. Chaplin, Wm. J. Greene, Thomas Neeld, John Westhead, J. P. B. Charteris, Hon. F. Grogan, Edward Neeld, Joseph Whiteside, James Chatterton, Colonel Grosvenor, Lord R. Newdegate, C. N. Whitmore, T. C. Chichester, Lord J. Guernsey, Lord Newport, Viscount Wigmm, Loftus T. Child, Smith Gwyn, 'dowel Noel, lion. Gerard J. Williams, T. P. Childers, John W. Hale, Robert Norreys, Sir D. Bt. Willyams, Humphry Chohnely, Sir H. Bt. Halford, Sir H. Bt. O'Brien, Sir L. Bt. Williamson, Sir H. Christopher, It. A. Hall, Col. John O'Connell, Morgan Willoughby, Sir Christy, Samuel Hallewell, E. G. O'Ferrall, More Worcester, Marq. of Clements, Hon. C. Halsey, Thos. P. Ossulston, Lord Wortley, Rt. Hon. 3. Clerk, Sir G. Bart. Hamilton, G. A. Owen, Sir John, Bt. *Wrightson, Wm. B, Clive, Hon. It. H. Hamilton, J. H. Packe, Charles W. Wynn, H. W. W. Clive Henry Bayley Hamilton Lord C. Pakington, Sir J. S. Wynn. Sir W. Bt. Cobbold, John C. Harcourt, G. G. V. Palmer Robert Wyvill, Marmaduke Cochrane, A. D. R. Hardinge, Hon. C. S. Palmer, Roundel]. Yorke, Hon. Eliot Cocks, T. Somers Harris, Hon. Capt. Palmerston, Visct.

Codrington, Sir W. Hayes,,nir E. S. Bt. Peel, Sir R. TELLERS. Coke, lion. E. K. Heatlacote, Sir G. J. Peel, Col. Jonathan Bateson, Capt. T.

Coles, H. Beaumont Heneage, G. H. W. Pennant, Col. E. Lennox, Ld. Hen. G. Coffins, Thomas Henley, Joseph W. Pinney, William


Humphery, Md. 3, Hominy, Col, Fred. Hutchins, E. J. Romilly, Sir J. Hutt, William Russell, Lord J. Jackson, William Russell, Hon. Edw. Kershaw, James Russell, Francis C. King, Hon. P. Locke Salwey, Col. Henry Labouchere, Henry Scholefield, Wm. Langston, James H. Scobell, Capt.. G. T. Locke, Joseph Scrope, G. Poulett Loveden, Pryse Seymour, H. Hanby Lushington, Charles Shafto, Robert D. Mackinnon, W. A. Smith, R. Vernon Mangles, Ross D. Smith, John A. Marshall, J. Garth Smith, John Benj. Martin, John Smythe, Hon. G. A. Melgund, Viscount Somerville, Sir W.

Milligan, Robert Spearman, Tien. 3. Milner, W. M. Edw.Stansfleld, W. R. C.

Milton, Viscount Strickland, Sir G. Bt, Mitchell, Thos. A. Strutt, E. Moffatt, George Stewart, Admiral Molesworth, Sir W. Stuart, Lord Dudley Moncreiff, James Tancred, Ii. W. Morris, David Thicknesse, R. A. Mostyn, Hon. E. H. Thompson, Lt.-Col. Mowatt, Francis Thornely, Thomas Murphy, F. S. Towrishend, Capt. J. Norreys, Lord Trevor, Hon. T. Ord, William Villiers, Hon. C. P. Paget, Lord George Wakky, Thomas Pechell, Sir G. Wahnsley, Sir Josh. Peel, Frederick Watkins, Col. Lloyd Peto, Sam. Morton Wilcox, B. M`Ghie Philips, Sir G. R. Bt.Williams, John Pigott, Francis Williams, William Pilkington, James Wilson, James Ponsonby, Hon. C.F.Wilson, Mathew Ricardo, John L. Wood, Sir W. P. Ricardo, Osman

Rice, Ed. Floyd TELLERS. Robartes, T. Jas. A .1lich, Henry Roebuck, John A, Evans, Sir Be Lacy

Ably. Sir T. N. Duff, James Adair, Hugh E. Duncan, Viscount Adair, R. A. Shafto Duncan, George Aglionby, Henry A. Dundas, Sir David Alcock, Thomas Ellice, Rt. Hon. E. Anderson, Arthur Ellis, John Anson, Iln. Gen. Elliot, Hon. J. E. Anstey, Chisholm Evans, John Armstrong, Sir And. Evans, William Armstrong, R. B. Ewart, William Baines, lit. En. H. T.Fergus, John Bell, Jacob Ferguson, Lt.-CoL Berkeley, Adm. M.F.Fiterov, Hon. Henry Berkeley, Hon. H. F.Fordy;e, Capt. A. D. Berkeley, C. L. G. Forster, Matthew Bernal, R. Fox, W. Johnson Bethell, R. Geach, C.

Birch, Sir T. B. Bt. Gibson, Rt. Hon. T.

Blair, Stephen Glyn, George Carr Boyle, Lt.-Col.R. E. Grenfell, Charles P. Bright, John Grenfell, Charles W. Brockman, E. D. Grey, Ralph Wm. Brotherton, Joseph Hall, Sir B. Bt. Brown, Humphrey Hanmer, Sir J. Bt. Brown, William Hardcastle, Jos. A. Bunbury, E. Herbt. Harris, Richard Caulfield, Col. J. M.Hastie, Alexander Cavendish, Hon. C. Hatchen, John Cavendish, W. (I. Hayter, W. G. Clay, James Headlam, T. E. Clay, Sir W. Bart. Heneage, Edward Cobden, Richard Henry, Alexander Cockburn, Sir A. Heywood, James Colebrooke, Sir T. Hcyworth, Lawrence Cowan, Charles Hill, Lord Marcus Craig, Sir Wm. G. Hindley, Charles Crowder, R. B. Hobhouse, Thos. B. Davie, Sir H. R. Bt. Hodges, Thos. Law Dawes, Edward Hodges, T. Twisden D'Eyncourt, Chas. Horsman, Edward Divett, Edward Howard, Lord Ed Duff, Geo. Skene Hume, Joseph