1 MAY 1852, page 19

Tel Watbr.golour Societirs.

There cannot be two opinions, we imagine, as to which of the Water- Colour Societies makes the best appearance this year. The elder body fur- nishes one of the most even and......

Military Gazette, War-office, April 30..-2d Regt. Drag....

to be &Alt. vice Haviland, promoted to an Unattached Company, without purchase. 4th Drag. Guards—Lieut. J. M. Webb to be Capt. by purchase, vice Lane, who retiree; Cornet G. M.......

Commercial Gazette,

Tuesday, April 27. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Germaine and Co. Bristol, timber-merchants; as far as regards J. Mackay—Ritchie and Co. Liverpool, timber-merchants—Mackay and Co.......


On the 20th April, at Catsfleld Rectory, Sussex, the Wife of the Be,. Burrell Hay- ley, of a daughter. On the 21st, at Harefleld House, near Uxbridge, the Wife of Captain......