1 MAY 1920, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Y011 were kind enough in last week's issue to notice very favourably Vol. II. (1916-17) of the Chronology of the War (Constable), which work I have been editing, "under the auspices of the Ministry of Information," for nearly three years. May I therefore crave the hospitality of your columns in order to state that, this Ministry having come to an end, H.M.'s Treasury has absolutely refused to publish Vol. III. (1918-19), although it is quite ready for the press ? I am there- fore in a great quandary, as unless I can raise the necessary money, £350, the third volume will never see the light, and the work—which you were good enough to term "a handbook indispensable to any serious student of the war "—will be left unfinished and "in the air." May I therefore urgently beg of your readers to assist me in the matter by sending me subscriptions, which will be most gratefully received and acknowledged ? I would add that subscribers of 25 or over will receive the complete work (3 vols.), and those of a sum between £2 and E5 will be sent a copy of Vol. III.—I am, Sir, &c., EDWARD Gmensx, Major-General.

35 Catherine Street, S.W. 1.

[As we said in our review, Lord Edward Gleichen's chrono- logical work is invaluable. In his two volumes we have found or verified in a few moments dates which would otherwise have required many hours of searching. We sincerely hope that the money will be raised, as. every historical library ought to have the three volumes.—ED. Spectator.]