1 MAY 1920, page 15

The Palestine Crocodile.

(To THE EDITOR OP VIZ " SPICTATOR."1 Sin,—Under the above heading a correspondent tells ns in the Spectator of March 20th about the Nile crocodile. He is very much mistaken in......


Ws have discussed the third volume which records the part played by Lord Kitchener in the Great War. The earlier volumes, which are of great interest though they reveal few......

A Double Resemblance.

(To THE EDITOR OF TEM " SPECILTOIC"J SIIL—The letter from "B. V. R. P." re "A. Double Resemblance " made me think of a queer experience I had recently. Soon after entering the......


MOMENTS. Ii we could save our moments, store them deep In cellars of the mind to choose at will, Not as the dream that drowns into a sleep, But as the taste of wine, laid cool......

Ght *ptrtator

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Including postage to any part of the Yearly. United Kingdom . £2 1 2 OVERSEAS POSTAGE. Inoluding postage to any of the British Dominions and Colonies and......

Notioe.—when " Correspondence " Or Articles Are Signed...

writer's name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or......