1 MAY 1920, Page 15


(To THE EDITOR OF TEM " SPECILTOIC"J SIIL—The letter from "B. V. R. P." re "A. Double Resemblance " made me think of a queer experience I had recently. Soon after entering the National Liberal Club one evening, a member approached me and began talking to me under the impression that I was a well-known Welsh Professor of Theology. Next mornings as I was looking out from the window of my oompartment at Paddington, an elderly gentle- man came up to me and began talking Welsh to me in a most friendly manner. When I remarked that I didn't understand Welsh, he explained that he felt sure he was talking to an old friend ef his who was a Professor of Theology in Wales. Thus on two sucoessive days I was mistaken for Professor Joseph Jones, who must surely be my exact double. I really must

try to meet him !—I am, Sir. &D.,. J. H. P. [Let us hope that this letter will be oonsidered as an intro,- duction.—ED. Spectator.]