By the news from the United States this week, the
prospects of Colonel Fremont are entirely reversed, and Mr. Buchanan's friends now calculate that his election to the Presidency is cer- tain. The sign which is supposed to prognosticate this result is the State election for likeinsylvania ; which would alone give a large number of votes, rad is believed to hawar effectually turned the balance in Mr. linailmasis favour. The election will be over before our next number ippears, and all discussion on the subject would now be obsolete : the one remark which it seems worth while to make at this stage is, that Mr. Buchanan occupy. ing a middle place in American politics, and residing in the Free State of Pennsylvania, on the borders of a Slave State, he is not likely in his administration to lend himself to extremes, but much more likely to seek the approval and support of the great body of the Union. The excitements of the election-scene, therefore, which have assumed an exaggerated and in some cases a disgust.. ing form, are likely to be materially allayed as soon as the eon. test is over.