1 NOVEMBER 1856, page 20

The Soulage Collection.

" A number of noblemen and gentlemen," it is stated, " representing almost all the great interests of art and manufacture in the Metropolis and the Provinces, have just imported......

Lint Irts.

THE TURNER BEQUEST. LAST week the papers were announcing that, consequent upon a final arrangement made between the representatives of the public and the heirs-at-law, the......


On the 25th Septergber, at Villa Nova, Barbados, the Wife of the Rev. Henry H. Parry, Tutor of Codrington College, in that island, and son of the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, of......


FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER 31. WAR DEPARTMENT, Pall Mall, Oct. 31.-Inja . ntry-18thRegt. of Foot-Lieut. W. R. Bell has been permitted to resign his commission. 44th......



FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER 28. Partnerships Dissolved.-Gadlys Iron Company, Aberdare, Glamorganshire- Fothergill and Co. ; as far as regards R. Fothergill-Moorhouse and......